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What is the right in the Indian constitution? Or what is a fundamental right? भारतीय संविधान में अधिकार क्या है ? या मौलिक अधिकार क्या है ?

  भारतीय संविधान में अधिकार क्या है   ? या मौलिक अधिकार क्या है ?   दोस्तों आज के युग में हम सबको मालूम होना चाहिए की हमारे अधिकार क्या है , और उनका हम किन किन बातो के लिए उपयोग कर सकते है | जैसा की आप सब जानते है आज कल कितने फ्रॉड और लोगो पर अत्याचार होते है पर फिर भी लोग उनकी शिकायत दर्ज नही करवाते क्यूंकि उन्हें अपने अधिकारों की जानकारी ही नहीं होती | आज हम अपने अधिकारों के बारे में जानेगे |   अधिकारों की संख्या आप जानते है की हमारा संविधान हमें छ: मौलिक आधार देता है , हम सबको इन अधिकारों का सही ज्ञान होना चाहिए , तो चलिए हम एक – एक करके अपने अधिकारों के बारे में जानते है | 1.    समानता का अधिकार जैसा की नाम से ही पता चल रहा है समानता का अधिकार मतलब कानून की नजर में चाहे व्यक्ति किसी भी पद पर या उसका कोई भी दर्जा हो कानून की नजर में एक आम व्यक्ति और एक पदाधिकारी व्यक्ति की स्थिति समान होगी | इसे कानून का राज भी कहा जाता है जिसका अर्थ हे कोई भी व्यक्ति कानून से उपर नही है | सरकारी नौकरियों पर भी यही स

Discuss the various theories of human right

 Discuss the various theories of human right

Economic, social and cultural rights are specified in articles 16 and 22-29 of the UDHR. Human rights recognize and refer to an impressive list of human concerns:

• Marriages and family; 

• Work and leisure (choice of employment, work conditions, equal wages for equal work, fair remuneration, freedom of association and involvement of trade unions);

 • A standard of adequate living of food, shelter, clothing, medical care and social services;

 • Jobless, sickness, inefficiency, widows and protection in the case of old age;

 • Special care and support in motherhood and childhood;

 • Education (equal access to free and compulsory primary education, qualification, parental choice, and full development of human personality);

 • Participation in the cultural life of any community;

 • Protection of their literary, scientific and artistic productions;

 • The social and international system that enables them to realize these human rights; and

 • Make the people obey the duties.

There has been a trend in the past to talk about economic, social and cultural rights as though they were fundamentally different from those of citizens and political rights. While the universal declaration of human rights made no distinction between the rights, the distinction between the east and the west with regard to the tensions of the deep cold war. The western market economies inspired greater emphasis on civil and political rights, while the eastern block's focused planned economies focused on economic, social and cultural rights. However, this strict isolation has since been discarded and the return to the original architecture of the universal declaration. In recent decades, the convention on human rights such as a convention on child rights or convention on the rights of persons with disabilities has integrated all rights.

                      In other words, economic, social and cultural rights have been viewed as a high level of investment while civil and political rights are called upon to avoid interference with freedoms of the state alone. It is true that many economic, social and cultural rights sometimes require high levels of investment both for ensuring their full enjoyment and financial as well as human beings. Although economic, social and cultural rights require the state to avoid interference with individual freedoms, for example, the functioning of the courts of law for civil and political rights.

         In fact, the joy of all human rights is interlinked. For example, it is often difficult for those people to read to find work, not to participate in political activity or to use the freedom of expression. Similarly, there is less possibility of being unfair where individuals can use political rights, such as the right to vote. As a result, when examined in detail, the categories of rights such as "civil and political rights" or "economic, social and cultural rights" are less understood.
