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What is the right in the Indian constitution? Or what is a fundamental right? भारतीय संविधान में अधिकार क्या है ? या मौलिक अधिकार क्या है ?

  भारतीय संविधान में अधिकार क्या है   ? या मौलिक अधिकार क्या है ?   दोस्तों आज के युग में हम सबको मालूम होना चाहिए की हमारे अधिकार क्या है , और उनका हम किन किन बातो के लिए उपयोग कर सकते है | जैसा की आप सब जानते है आज कल कितने फ्रॉड और लोगो पर अत्याचार होते है पर फिर भी लोग उनकी शिकायत दर्ज नही करवाते क्यूंकि उन्हें अपने अधिकारों की जानकारी ही नहीं होती | आज हम अपने अधिकारों के बारे में जानेगे |   अधिकारों की संख्या आप जानते है की हमारा संविधान हमें छ: मौलिक आधार देता है , हम सबको इन अधिकारों का सही ज्ञान होना चाहिए , तो चलिए हम एक – एक करके अपने अधिकारों के बारे में जानते है | 1.    समानता का अधिकार जैसा की नाम से ही पता चल रहा है समानता का अधिकार मतलब कानून की नजर में चाहे व्यक्ति किसी भी पद पर या उसका कोई भी दर्जा हो कानून की नजर में एक आम व्यक्ति और एक पदाधिकारी व्यक्ति की स्थिति समान होगी | इसे कानून का राज भी कहा जाता है जिसका अर्थ हे कोई भी व्यक्ति कानून से उपर नही है | सरकारी नौकरियों पर भी यही स

Idioms and phrases meaning and examples


The phrase is used which is common in one language and which is not directly related to the meaning. By the sum of experiments, words and actions, certain positions are formed which are called phrases.

In order to facilitate the study, it has been classified into three categories:

Group 'A'  :   Idiomatic Verbal Phrases.
Group 'B'  :   Idiomatic Expressions.
Group 'C'  :   Miscellaneous Idioms & Phrases.

      GROUP 'A'  IDIOMATIC VERBAL PHRASES                              

1. Act For ( work on behalf of ) :-  Mr. Bhagwat Singh acted for the principal in the month of july.

2. Act on ( have effect on ) :-  The drug has acted pn his mind.

3. Act upon ( follow) :-  He did not act upon my suggestion. So he failed.

4. Bear away ( win) :- He bear away two prizes this year.

5. Bear down ( over throw) :-  Our Prime Minister bore  down all opposition in no time. 

6. Bear out ( confirm ) :- your evidence bears out the first witness.

7. Bear in mind ( pay attention to ) :-  You must bear in mind that you can pass if you work hard.

8. Blow down ( throw down) :-  The strom has blown several trees today.

9. Blow out (put out) :-  He blew out the candle bedore going to sleep.

10. Blow up ( destroy) :-  The soldiers blew up the bridge.

11. Call for (demand ) :-  His master called for an explanation of his conduct.

12. Call in ( summon , send for ) :-  Please call in a doctor immediately.

13. Call out ( cry for help ) :-  The wounded soldier called out to his mate.

14. Cry out ( protest ) :-  The peon cried out against the injustice done to him.

15. Do for ( ruin) :-  Mohan said to me, " Business has gone down. I am done for."

16. Fall back ( retreat , yield ) :-  On account of resistance, the robbers fell back.

17. Fall through ( fail) :-  The scheme has fallen through for want of support.

18. Fall off ( diminish ) :-  On account of the rainy season the attendance has fallen off.

19. Fall in with ( agree) :-  My talk was so full of reasons that my friend Ramesh fell in with my views at once.

20. Get off with ( escape) :-  It is my opinion that you will get off with a fine as the class teacher has supported your case.

21. Keep down ( control ) :- It is wise to keep down passions.

22. Keep away ( be off ) :-  keep away from the fire.

23. Lay down ( surrender ) :-  The robbers laid down their arms before the police to avoid being shot.

24. Lay out ( invest ) :-  If you do not lay out your money wisely you will come to grief soon.

25. Look after ( take care of ) :-  His parents look after him. So he can devote his time to his studies.

26. Make for ( conduce to ) :-  Early rising makes for good health.

27. Make off ( run away ) :-  The thief made off with the box.

28. Pass away ( die ) :-  The old man passed away peacefully last night.

29. Pass for ( is regarded as ) :-  He passes for learned scholar in his village.

30. Pull together ( co-operate ) :-  If Rama and Sohan want to live carefree, they shuld try to pull together.

31. Put off ( postpone ) :-  Don't put off the work gor tomorrow as it is a bad habit.

32. Run after ( try to amass ) :-  Most people run after wealth.

33. Run into debt ( incur debt ) :-  He has run into debt by living beyond his means.

34. See off ( witness one's departure ) :-  I went to the station to see him off.

35. See through ( detect ) :-  We saw through his trick.

36. Set upon ( attack ) :-  The robbers set upon the  farmer when he was hoing through he forest.

37. Set in ( begin ) :-  Winter has now set in.

38. Stand by ( support ) :-  We must stand by one another.

39. Take down ( write down ) :-  Please take down what I say.

40. Take in ( deceive ) :-  He was taken in when he bought this cycle from Delhi.

41. Turn out ( expel) :-  Yesterday the teacher turned him out as he was not attentive in the period.

42. Turn off ( dismiss ) :-  If the servant is careless, he should be turned off immediately.

43. Turn up ( happen ) :-  Hamid did not turn up yesterday through he assured me that he would come.
44. Turn against ( become hostiel to ) :-  Ravan's brother Visbhishana turned against him due to his rude behaviour.

45. Turn down ( reject ) :-  I put the proposal before the Manager, but he turned it down.
46. Take up ( occupy ) :-  The machine took up too much place.

47. Work on ( influence ) :-  We tried our best to win him over. But no proposals worked on him.

48. Work out ( solve ) :-  The problem was so difficult that none in the class could work it out.

49. Work up ( excite ) :-  A good speaker is he was can work up the mob.

50. Work upon ( influence ) :-  The crafty politician worked upon the feelings of the ignorant villages.


IDIOMS :- "An idiom is a special mode of expression or grouping of words peculiar to a language. It must be learnt as a whole, as it is difficult to understand the meaning of an idiom from a knowledge of the separate words. Similarly the order of words in an idiom cannot be changed, neither any word be dropped nor adeed."

1. A bed of roses ( a comfortable situation ) :-  The life of a soldier is not a bed of roses.

2. A bone of contention ( a cause of quarrel ) :-  This shop is a bone of contention between the two brothers.

3. Above board ( open, fair ) :-  I have nothing to conceal as my policy is always above board.

4. According to ( in accordance with ) :-  
Yesterday he acted according to my suggestion.

5. Add fuel to fire ( make angry) :- The teacher was angry with Ramesh. I added fuel of fire by complaining against him.

6. A bull in China shop ( misfit ) :-  I cannot vote for him because he is an extremist and will be like a bull in China shop.

7. A far cry ( a long way ) :-  It is a far cry from praising Gandhi to becoming a Gandhite.

8. Against a rainy day ( a time of adversity ) :- It is a good policy to save something against a rainy day.

9. Again and again ( very often ) :-  He tried again and again but could not succeed.

10. A hard nut to crack ( a problem difficult to solve ) :-  Learning English Idioms is a hard nut to crack.

11. A herculean task ( very difficult work ) :-  To climb the top of Everest is a herculean work.

12. All in all ( all powerful ) Mr Ajay Rastogi is all in all in Chitra Parkashan.

13. All and sundry ( each and all ) :-  These rules will apply to all and sundry as nobody is above the low of the country.

14. An axe to grind ( selfish motive ) :-  Why should I go to him ? I have no axe to grind.

15. An open secret ( already known) :-  It is an open secret that Pakistan is supplying arms to the extremists.

16. Apple of discord ( a cause of quarrel ) :-  This piece of land is an apple of discord between Mahesh and Mukesh as none of them likes to leave it.

17. A red letter day ( an auspicious day ) :-  15th August  is a red letter day in the history of our country.

18. A rolling stone ( a person who is always shifting ) :-  A rolling stone gathers mo moss.

19. A royal road ( the best way ) :-  Hard work is a royal road to success.

20. A square deal ( a fair bargain ) :-  You cannot expect a square deal from a dishonest businessman.

21. At a loss ( in a fex ) :-  I am so much surprised at your behaviour that I feel at a loss for words.

22. At a stone's throw ( very near ) :-  My house is at a stone's throw from the Roman tower.

23. At daggers drawn ( to be inimical ) :-  These days Rama and Gopal are at daggers drawn. So you should not try to interface.

24. At home in ( expert ) :-  Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar was at home in Sanskrit.

25. At random ( without a definite aim ) :-  He who reads at random, will never get good marks in the examination.

26. At one's finger-ends ( ready wits ) :-  Mr. K.C. Sharma is an expert as he has all the rules of grammar at his finger-ends.

27. At sixes and sevens ( in disorder ) :-  When Ramesh came to me yesterday, he found my books at sixes and sevens.

28. At stake ( wager ) :-  Why have you doen it ? The reputation of your family is at stake.

29. At the eleventh hour ( at the last time) :-  Those students who try to study at the eleventh hour never get good marks in the examination.

30. A turn coat ( a person who often changed his view ) :-  The people hate the leader who is a turn coat in poltics.


1. A feather in one's cap ( a new distinction ) :-  Winning the gold medal was yet another feather in her cap. 

2. A white elephant ( involving more expenditure ) :-  A costly car is like a white elephant for an ordinary person.

3. All greek and Latin ( difficult to understand ) :-   Sanskrit is all greek and Latin to me, as I do not know ever Hindi well.

4. At an arm's length ( at a distance ) :-   you should keep yourself at an arm's length from bad company.

5. Back out ( to withdraw ) :-  He promised to support me, but he soon backed out.

6. Blue blood ( aristocratic descent or birth ) :-  Persons of blue blood were held in high esteem in the past.

7. Bury the hatechet ( to end enmity ) :-  At last the old enemies came to terms and buried the hatchet.

8. Child's play ( an easy matter ) :-  To govern the country properly is not a child's play.

9. Eat humble pie ( be very apologetic ) :-  When he realized his mistake, he had to eat humble pie.

10. Go into ( examine) :-  The auditor went into the accounts thoroughly.

11. Hold down ( to be time ) :-  Some old traditions still hold good.

12. Keep down ( under control ) :-  We should keep dowm our passion.

13. Let down ( dishearten) :-  We should not let down our friends.

14. Live fast ( luxurious life ) :-  It is not wise for a young person to live fast.

15. Out of the question ( unthinkable ) :-  Missing school to watch the cricket match is out of the question for a good student.

16. Out of date ( out of vogue ) :-  His passport is out of date .

17. Out of the wood ( out of trouble ) :-  Now Kuwait is out of the wood as numerous countries have helped it.

18. Run down ( become weak ) :- His health has run down on account of hard work.

19. To grease the plam ( to bribe ) :-  Now we cannot get any work done easily without greasing the palm.

20. Turn over a new leaf ( to make a change for the better ) :-  The theif was determined to turn over a new leaf once he was released from prison.
