google-site-verification=V7DUfmptFdKQ7u3NX46Pf1mdZXw3czed11LESXXzpyo Social inequality is a characteristic feature of our society. Evaluate the influence of caste and gender on the disadvantaged sections of India. Skip to main content


What is the right in the Indian constitution? Or what is a fundamental right? भारतीय संविधान में अधिकार क्या है ? या मौलिक अधिकार क्या है ?

  भारतीय संविधान में अधिकार क्या है   ? या मौलिक अधिकार क्या है ?   दोस्तों आज के युग में हम सबको मालूम होना चाहिए की हमारे अधिकार क्या है , और उनका हम किन किन बातो के लिए उपयोग कर सकते है | जैसा की आप सब जानते है आज कल कितने फ्रॉड और लोगो पर अत्याचार होते है पर फिर भी लोग उनकी शिकायत दर्ज नही करवाते क्यूंकि उन्हें अपने अधिकारों की जानकारी ही नहीं होती | आज हम अपने अधिकारों के बारे में जानेगे |   अधिकारों की संख्या आप जानते है की हमारा संविधान हमें छ: मौलिक आधार देता है , हम सबको इन अधिकारों का सही ज्ञान होना चाहिए , तो चलिए हम एक – एक करके अपने अधिकारों के बारे में जानते है | 1.    समानता का अधिकार जैसा की नाम से ही पता चल रहा है समानता का अधिकार मतलब कानून की नजर में चाहे व्यक्ति किसी भी पद पर या उसका कोई भी दर्जा हो कानून की नजर में एक आम व्यक्ति और एक पदाधिकारी व्यक्ति की स्थिति समान होगी | इसे कानून का राज भी कहा जाता है जिसका अर्थ हे कोई भी व्यक्ति कानून से उपर नही है | सरकारी नौकरियों पर भी यही स

Social inequality is a characteristic feature of our society. Evaluate the influence of caste and gender on the disadvantaged sections of India.

 Social inequality is a characteristic feature of our society. Evaluate the influence of caste and gender on the disadvantaged sections of India.


What do you understand by social inequality? In Indian society, please explain the caste system in the context of caste relations.

The idea of real social justice and the attitude of equality for the establishment of an egalitarian social order had two important conditions. In India, the concept of social justice came out in response to discrimination and prejudice in our society. Within the social system that led to this discrimination, attention was given to the provision of all facilities to a select section of the society. In fact, the brahmanical Hindu (which was originally Aryan) provided an unequal social order which was opposed to humanity.

           Social inequality has been the characteristic features of our Indian society from time immemorial. In India, caste and fingering originated in the most primitive times with the advent of aryans. The aryans looked upon the 'indigenous' people as much as they were poor. The chandalas find mention in the later vedic period. Even in the arthashastra of kautilya the chandala has been depicted as untouchables.

               The untouchables in Indian society meant a very low caste system. It is about 16% in the population of India and numbering about 140 million.

              The difference between castes is that of Labour. The lower castes (net) and (highly pure) were cultivation and the type of work which was considered to be the most hateful act. Among the higher castes, there were intellectual functions (brahmins), administrative affairs (kshatriya) and vaishyas related to the system.

                In the colonial period, the caste system underwent many important changes because at this time the forces on Indian society like modernisation, secularism, and urbanization were exerting their influence. New conceptual concepts like social justice began to question the idea of religious purity and impurity. The political society intensified political competition and struggle under the guise of these depressed and oppressed jatis.

                There is the gender relation between the class and the caste. Division of Labour between men and women has come out in different stages of history. Indian society has always been male dominated. This is an important factor in men 's production systems. Position of women is totally dependent on men. Women were identified under the wall. This identity of a woman plays an important role in the Hindu scriptures. Despite the small steps taken in the direction of removing gender - based inequality since 1960, women 's work contributes to 66 % across the world. It earns 10 % of the total global income and shares 1 % of the total world wealth. In the 19th century, efforts were made for improving the status of women. First, rajaram mohan ray launched a campaign to support the celibacy, widow remarriage. In the early 1980s, dowry murder and rape were raised as a major issue. The movement supported a new ideology of powerful and determined women to spread their ideas to different classes, castes, and culture women. That religion was reinterpreted to promote the idea of equality between men and women.


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