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What is the right in the Indian constitution? Or what is a fundamental right? भारतीय संविधान में अधिकार क्या है ? या मौलिक अधिकार क्या है ?

  भारतीय संविधान में अधिकार क्या है   ? या मौलिक अधिकार क्या है ?   दोस्तों आज के युग में हम सबको मालूम होना चाहिए की हमारे अधिकार क्या है , और उनका हम किन किन बातो के लिए उपयोग कर सकते है | जैसा की आप सब जानते है आज कल कितने फ्रॉड और लोगो पर अत्याचार होते है पर फिर भी लोग उनकी शिकायत दर्ज नही करवाते क्यूंकि उन्हें अपने अधिकारों की जानकारी ही नहीं होती | आज हम अपने अधिकारों के बारे में जानेगे |   अधिकारों की संख्या आप जानते है की हमारा संविधान हमें छ: मौलिक आधार देता है , हम सबको इन अधिकारों का सही ज्ञान होना चाहिए , तो चलिए हम एक – एक करके अपने अधिकारों के बारे में जानते है | 1.    समानता का अधिकार जैसा की नाम से ही पता चल रहा है समानता का अधिकार मतलब कानून की नजर में चाहे व्यक्ति किसी भी पद पर या उसका कोई भी दर्जा हो कानून की नजर में एक आम व्यक्ति और एक पदाधिकारी व्यक्ति की स्थिति समान होगी | इसे कानून का राज भी कहा जाता है जिसका अर्थ हे कोई भी व्यक्ति कानून से उपर नही है | सरकारी नौकरियों पर भी यही स

Side effects on the earth by damaging the environment

 Side effects on the earth by damaging the environment

Nature balance on earth - The world environment and development commission of Delhi held a two - day session in July 1987. For the first time, the emphasis was laid on economic development, sustaining the soil. It is now intended to seek the co - operation of ngos more than governments, as it is the people who can open the eyes of the government. A concerted effort to prevent pollution can be addressed. Science has made inventions that can keep it under control.

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The major crisis: The external features are the only external symptom of an environmental crisis. Change in substantive relations is a major crisis. That, too, left to depend on human nature and became subject to instruments. Which made the mentality of man more aggressive and ruthless. Man is getting rid of nature at a faster rate. High demand for energy is the main reason for this. But with this, the exploitation of human beings is increasing.

                  The shift in engineering has had a very wide impact on human life. The instruments which came to conquer man and to make him their master in the worst sense, require one more raw material and energy and, on the other, the minimum of men 's needs. Therefore, there are millions of people, called limited persons, who are not of any use in society. The extreme is that man himself has become useless and useless.

Floods: floods in the world cause maximum loss of population in Bangladesh. About 20 per cent of the world 's flood generated deaths occur in India. Although there are natural factors responsible for floods, human factors have a role to play in increasing the effectiveness of floods and in accelerating the flow of water. The main cause of continuous reduction in forest and plant density, building of embankments on rivers, absence of drainage systems, unplanned urbanisation, industrialization, degradation of soil 's watershed potential due to over irrigation is the main reason. Besides, micro climatic changes also increase the possibility of floods.

              The government of India constituted a national flood commission in 1954 to minimize the damage caused by floods. As per commission there is an area of nearly 76.6 lakh hectare of India which is flood effected. A number of schemes have been implemented for flood control, but the ganga and Brahmaputra are still flooded every year. The vagaries of floods have a major impact on the inhabitants of low geographical areas, most of which live below the poverty line.

Drought - A natural condition that results from human activities such as biotic (plant animals) - water requirement remains incomplete. This absence creates temporary interruption in their life - cycle. Aridity is called when the disruption is permanent. The drought in an area is due to lack of rain, irregularity and uncertainty. On the basis of drought it is divided into four categories.

1. Meteorologists call drought an area having rainfall below 25 % average due to changes in the normal weather conditions. Droughts are also classified according to duration and gradient. Drought resulting from less than 25 to 50 per cent of average rainfall is considered as common drought and in case of less than 50 per cent rainfall is considered to be the main drought, which often leads to famine.

2. Water availability in case of fall in surface water and ground water conditions is called hydrological drought.

3. The condition of inhibiting plant growth due to lack of moisture in the soil is known as agricultural drought.

4. The equilibrium that is established between the producers and the consumers of the natural ecosystem of the region is damaged due to worsening of conditions. This decline in the productivity of ecosystem is called ecological drought.

Landslide: an earthquake is a thing of the future, but there is a threat of large land fall. Up to 50km from gangotri in the jalaram over bhagirathi Three and a half km from the carodiya morher downstairs. Prolonged landslide stopped an artificial lake at bhagirathi in August 1978 for five hours. The second lake was at the vicinity of the origin of landslide in the kanodiya valley. The effects of destruction of these two lakes are still prevalent in the bhagirathi valley. The bhagirathi floor in the tehri has become 21 feet high due to debris. People up to allahabad were warned at that time on the Banks of the Ganges. This was not the only event, more than twenty years ago, there was this kind of barrier below this place. Land hazards in this way cause considerable damage to life and human beings as a result of damaging the environment.

         In the rainy season in the Himalayan region, landslide is a common phenomenon. In the last decade, the biggest mishap happened in northern Sikkim, in which more than 125 was reported. If we take up the central Himalayas, it consists of a long list of workers, workers and students, students and others. Sometimes it has been attributed to the earthquake and rainfall simultaneously. There is no prior knowledge of the onset and the severity of the rainfall.
