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What is the right in the Indian constitution? Or what is a fundamental right? भारतीय संविधान में अधिकार क्या है ? या मौलिक अधिकार क्या है ?

  भारतीय संविधान में अधिकार क्या है   ? या मौलिक अधिकार क्या है ?   दोस्तों आज के युग में हम सबको मालूम होना चाहिए की हमारे अधिकार क्या है , और उनका हम किन किन बातो के लिए उपयोग कर सकते है | जैसा की आप सब जानते है आज कल कितने फ्रॉड और लोगो पर अत्याचार होते है पर फिर भी लोग उनकी शिकायत दर्ज नही करवाते क्यूंकि उन्हें अपने अधिकारों की जानकारी ही नहीं होती | आज हम अपने अधिकारों के बारे में जानेगे |   अधिकारों की संख्या आप जानते है की हमारा संविधान हमें छ: मौलिक आधार देता है , हम सबको इन अधिकारों का सही ज्ञान होना चाहिए , तो चलिए हम एक – एक करके अपने अधिकारों के बारे में जानते है | 1.    समानता का अधिकार जैसा की नाम से ही पता चल रहा है समानता का अधिकार मतलब कानून की नजर में चाहे व्यक्ति किसी भी पद पर या उसका कोई भी दर्जा हो कानून की नजर में एक आम व्यक्ति और एक पदाधिकारी व्यक्ति की स्थिति समान होगी | इसे कानून का राज भी कहा जाता है जिसका अर्थ हे कोई भी व्यक्ति कानून से उपर नही है | सरकारी नौकरियों पर भी यही स

Adulterated food essay

 Adulterated food

In today's era, the price of food items is very high, in the same way adulteration in food items is also found very much. In this way our economic condition and health related conditions are being affected. In today's era, adulteration is found in every small thing. Even adulteration is found in those which are beneficial for our health. The Food Safety Department is also aware of this, but no action is being taken on it.

Adulterated food items are being sold in the market.

What types of food are being adulterated:-

Adulteration of fruits: - Fruits are cooked in any chemical and then sold, which has a bad effect on our health by eating it.

adulteration of other foods

Like other substances and food items are also adulterated such as:

Water in milk, fat in ghee, adulteration in oil, horsetail in coriander powder, papaya seeds in black pepper, color to make red chili appear more red, skin shredding in tea leaves, stone powder in spices, put Pebbles in rice etc.

disease by eating adulterated food

People are falling ill by eating adulterated food items and when we get treatment for that disease, along with the treatment, medicines are also very expensive, if medicines were expensive then there is no problem but it is also fake. Due to which people get sick and many people also die.

Adulteration is also found in cosmetic products. In today's era, every food item and cosmetic products are adulterated, which causes disease and their skin is damaged by cosmetic products.

Healthy food adulteration

Some people have started adulterating healthy food in order to earn more money. Such as adulteration of water in juice, color adulteration in packing juice, adulteration in children's food items, which affects the physical and mental health of the child. Adulteration in new food items that came from outside the city. In today's world there is no such thing in which there is no adulteration.

Lastly, it is important for us to understand that whatever our food items are adulterated, then it is necessary for us to take care of our health.
