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What is the right in the Indian constitution? Or what is a fundamental right? भारतीय संविधान में अधिकार क्या है ? या मौलिक अधिकार क्या है ?

  भारतीय संविधान में अधिकार क्या है   ? या मौलिक अधिकार क्या है ?   दोस्तों आज के युग में हम सबको मालूम होना चाहिए की हमारे अधिकार क्या है , और उनका हम किन किन बातो के लिए उपयोग कर सकते है | जैसा की आप सब जानते है आज कल कितने फ्रॉड और लोगो पर अत्याचार होते है पर फिर भी लोग उनकी शिकायत दर्ज नही करवाते क्यूंकि उन्हें अपने अधिकारों की जानकारी ही नहीं होती | आज हम अपने अधिकारों के बारे में जानेगे |   अधिकारों की संख्या आप जानते है की हमारा संविधान हमें छ: मौलिक आधार देता है , हम सबको इन अधिकारों का सही ज्ञान होना चाहिए , तो चलिए हम एक – एक करके अपने अधिकारों के बारे में जानते है | 1.    समानता का अधिकार जैसा की नाम से ही पता चल रहा है समानता का अधिकार मतलब कानून की नजर में चाहे व्यक्ति किसी भी पद पर या उसका कोई भी दर्जा हो कानून की नजर में एक आम व्यक्ति और एक पदाधिकारी व्यक्ति की स्थिति समान होगी | इसे कानून का राज भी कहा जाता है जिसका अर्थ हे कोई भी व्यक्ति कानून से उपर नही है | सरकारी नौकरियों पर भी यही स

How to solve natural environment?

How to solve natural environment?

 What is the analysis and interpretation of environmental awareness?

Let us know how to solve environmental problems. Before solving the problems of the environment, we have to understand what is the problem of the environment, so let's know what is the problem of the environment and how to solve it?

The challenges facing South Asian countries are to manage and protect land, water, and forest and air resources, to provide an appropriate standard of living, and to provide other environmental services that are currently devoid of them. At the same time, increasing the growth rate so that people can be inspired. Environment issue is an important problem for South Asian countries.

South Asian countries are associated with problems like rapid urbanization, insanitary defecation facility, uncontrolled industrialization, deforestation etc. For example the construction of large dams, water systems and nation wide irrigation systems have disturbed the ecosystem of these countries.The second major problem is industrial effluents and agricultural effluents poisoning the system by the system. Many rivers and streams in India are already dead, due to excessive deforestation, there is soil. There is a problem of erosion and a decrease in biodiversity is found. Pollution released by industrial and vehicular traffic is at co-unacceptable limits in metropolitan cities.

Let us know how we can solve environmental problems

The Government of India has created many organizations and ministries in our country for environmental protection. These organizations are involved in the topics related to the sustainable development of the environment in various directions. The Ministry of Environment and Forests, Ministry of Water Resources, Department of Ecosystems, Geological Survey of India and National Institute of Oceanography are some of the NGOs in India.

(a) Indian Forest Management Department,

(b) Wildlife Institute of India,

(c) Wildlife Conservation Society of India,

(d) Center for Science and Environment

(e) India Environmental Society

(i) Indian World Wildlife Fund

(g) Environmental Protection Research and Training Institute,

 (h) National Environmental Engineering Research Institute۔

Bangladesh - 

Environment Department was created in Bangladesh in 1989. So that proper use and management of limited biological resources can be done and research work can be coordinated.

Many organizations were formed to handle the responsibility of environmental issues. Not-for-profit organizations include the Bangladesh Center for Modern Science, the Bangladesh Development Council, the Bangladesh Environment Network, and the Center for Environment and Global Information Services. Each of these institutions is separately working on environmental development and research work at the regional, local, national and global levels.

He has initiated several environmental organizations

(a) UNDP Energy and Environment Bangladesh, 

(b) UNEP Wetlands and Water Resources Program


The Government of Maldives has created a website. Where all relevant information is provided. This organization provides all the information related to environment and related to home subjects.

In other organizations-

(a) Ministry of Fisheries, Agriculture and Marine Resources, 

(b) Ministry of Science and Technology,

 (c) UNDP Office, Maldives.


The Government of Bhutan established the Department of Geology and Mines for the works of Geology and Food, so that a pollution-free environment can be established. The second government organization was the Environment Commission, which serves as an environmental advisor to the government for sustainable development.

Many non-profit and non-governmental organizations in Bhutan have taken the initiative to plan and implement programs in the interest of the environment. Some of the main organizations are Solar Electricity Electricity Fund, Bhutan Environment Protection Fund etc.


The Government of Nepal initiated the Ministry of Population and Environment, which is involved in making various laws for population control and environmental protection. The other ministries are

 (a) Ministry of Forest and Soil Conservation,

b) Ministry of Science and Technology.

(c) Ministry of National Parks and Conservation NGOs include the following

(a) Raja Mahendra Nature Conservation Trust, (b) Environment and Public Health Organization,

(c) Center for Alternative Energy Promotion, Nepal,

(d) Center for Environment Education, Nepal,

(e) Clean Energy, Nepal,

(f) Lotus Energy,

(g) Population and Environment Journalism Society, Nepal,

(h) Environment Management and Research Forum.


The Government of Pakistan has initiated the Ministry of Environment, Local Government and Rural Development. Which are environmental planning and implementation of other plans, rural environmental problem control, water flow and defecation etc.

Other organizations are

(a) Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency which controls the conservation of environmental problems.

(b) Pakistan Forest Institute which provides information about the importance of forest and the disadvantages of deforestation.

(c) Geological Survey- The Survey of the Central Engineering Agency of Pakistan was established in 1947. It is a research institute of Pakistan.

NGOs include

(a) Aga Khan Establishment,

(b) Main Pakistan International Institute,

(c) World Conservation Organization,

(d) World Institute of Management۔

Sri Lanka

(1) The Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources works to protect the environment and natural resources of Sri Lanka.

(2) Wildlife Protection Department focuses its attention on the right use of natural resources. Pays attention to the protection of wildlife and sustainable development.

(3) The objective of the National Science Foundation is to work for the development of Sri Lanka's science and technology.

involved in non-governmental organization

(1) Lanka Jalani which is the largest non-governmental organization in Sri Lanka which works for integrated water resource management.

(2) Wildlife Heritage Trust of Sri Lanka.

(3) The World Conservation Association, Sri Lanka aims primarily to emphasize the sustainable use of species and ecosystems.

(4) International Institute of Water Management, Sri Lanka.

The problem related to the environment is a global issue, but in comparison to developed countries, developing countries oppose the implementation of international environmental laws. There has been a large scale destruction and degradation in the environment and there is a need to unite for environmental protection and development at the global level. Those who are concerned about environmental protection see a ray of hope in sustainable development.But over a period of time South Asian countries have realized this and promise to take appropriate steps to save the environment۔In this regard, all the major SAARC countries i.e. Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka etc. have all promised that they will implement the national plan and participate in environmental issues with sustainable development in their countries respectively.Integrated environmental management in the SAARC context means that policies and projects should be developed, policies should be implemented across national borders.

This approach produces short term as well as long term benefits and long term maintenance of South Asian ecology. It is already realized that greater awareness of environmental protection and training in environmental management skills will help in sustainable development, productivity development and maintenance of environmental integration in future.
