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  भारतीय संविधान में अधिकार क्या है   ? या मौलिक अधिकार क्या है ?   दोस्तों आज के युग में हम सबको मालूम होना चाहिए की हमारे अधिकार क्या है , और उनका हम किन किन बातो के लिए उपयोग कर सकते है | जैसा की आप सब जानते है आज कल कितने फ्रॉड और लोगो पर अत्याचार होते है पर फिर भी लोग उनकी शिकायत दर्ज नही करवाते क्यूंकि उन्हें अपने अधिकारों की जानकारी ही नहीं होती | आज हम अपने अधिकारों के बारे में जानेगे |   अधिकारों की संख्या आप जानते है की हमारा संविधान हमें छ: मौलिक आधार देता है , हम सबको इन अधिकारों का सही ज्ञान होना चाहिए , तो चलिए हम एक – एक करके अपने अधिकारों के बारे में जानते है | 1.    समानता का अधिकार जैसा की नाम से ही पता चल रहा है समानता का अधिकार मतलब कानून की नजर में चाहे व्यक्ति किसी भी पद पर या उसका कोई भी दर्जा हो कानून की नजर में एक आम व्यक्ति और एक पदाधिकारी व्यक्ति की स्थिति समान होगी | इसे कानून का राज भी कहा जाता है जिसका अर्थ हे कोई भी व्यक्ति कानून से उपर नही है | सरकारी नौकरियों पर भी यही स

What do you understand by global warming? Explain its causes, consequences and remedies ?

What do you understand by global warming? Explain its causes, consequences and remedies ?

Due to the increase in ground temperature, when the vertical rays of the intense sun absorb the moisture of the atmosphere as well as dry up the lakes and ponds with their scorching heat, people start remembering the god Indra of Sahaja. Although this is the general trend of summer according to the cycle of seasons, but it has also been felt by our elders that now it is getting more hot in this new age than in their old times.By the passage of February-March, fans and coolers start running in the houses, cold equipments are collected. For why the heat is increasing, people-gardens generally attribute the decline of forests as the main reason.The effect of the disappearance of the green cover of the earth has been related to the rise in temperature, there is no doubt about it.But this scientist has also increased the temperature of the earth. Environmentalists and meteorologists are also concerned about the warming mood of the earth and they have done a lot of research and search for the reasons.

Green House Effect-

In view of the increasing temperature of the earth, the definition of greenhouse effect given by scientists is actually a useful process.Under this process, the extra heat of the rays of light coming from the sun is absorbed by the earth's atmosphere and the earth's atmosphere heated by it absorbs and the heat of infrared scattering generated by its heated earth surface and plants Prevents it from going to the outside environment i.e. space again.Due to this process, tolerable life-giving warmth remains in the Earth's atmosphere. It is because of the Green House Effect that the average temperature of the Earth remains 15 to 17 ° C and has not decreased by 33 ° C to minus 15 and 17 ° C and the Cold Age has not returned.Atmospheric atmospheric pressure is the amount of air in the air at atmospheric temperature in the atmospheric air in the atmospheric air.

Not only industrial activities, but also due to many daily activities, an excessive amount of carbon-dioxide is reaching the atmosphere. For example, the burning of coal in thermal power stations to generate electricity and the use of petroleum products in vehicles is burning about 4 billion tons of fossil fuels today, and this is increasing by 4 percent every year.Similarly, the amount of methane gas reaching the atmosphere due to rotting of paddy fields and organic matter is disturbing the health of the earth. Similarly, the increasing amount of nitrous oxide called 'laughing gas' from the smoke coming out of the chimneys of factories is causing the earth people to cry.

If seen, carbon dioxide, methane and nits are not to blame. CFCs i.e. chlorocarbon class gases are also responsible for deteriorating the health of the earth. CFC class chemicals are widely used in fire fighting, refrigeration, plastics and electronics industries.The gases emanating from these chemicals are causing the depletion of the ozone layer, which is called the protective shield of the earth. Western countries, which produce CFCs in large numbers, know that more CFC gases are lost in causing the greenhouse effect than carbon dioxide. It damages the ozone layer.

Effects of harmful gases

67 years ago, when CFC gases were being filled in refrigerators, scientists did not expect that this gas would cause any damage to the ozone layer, but in 1975, scientists understood the trick of CFCs and in 1987 the British Antarctica team visited Antarctica. Presented the proof of 'ozone hole' on top of it. Since then this ozone layer has been continuously thinning and its degradation has become the cause of many mental diseases including skin cancer, cataract, erosion of immunity.

An international report 'Who is taking the heat' released on the increase in the temperature of the earth clearly states that India is the fifth such country after America, Russia, Brazil and China. Where the heat dissipation in the atmosphere continues. The common activities that are counted as changing the temperature of the atmosphere. Hot waste, such as ash and hot liquids coming out of small industrial units, are also adding heat to the colors of the earth.The hot water that is being discharged into Yamuna from thermal power stations located at Raj Ghat, Indraprastha and Badarpur in the capital of the country, is creating scorching heat. This practice is probably not even for Delhiites.

Similarly, in the industrial city of Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, 200 metric tonnes of liquid hot waste is being thrown into the Ganga every day, which is adversely affecting the health of the Ganga as well as the environment. Overall, all this heat has to be absorbed by our atmosphere, due to which it is getting hotter day by day.

The situation is that from the first World Climate Conference in Geneva in 1979 to the Kyonto conference in Japan in 1997, about 160 treaties have not been able to curb the environmental activities of the earth, nor have the atmosphere been stopped from heating continuously. Actually, this is the time to think and if it is delayed further, then humans will end up roasting water in the 'hot chamber' made by their own hands. No two ways about it.

The severe heat that has been falling for some years has opened the eyes of those who neglect the environment, while on the other hand has warned people that now nature will not tolerate the natural exploitation by man. Man exploited forests and forest products to meet the immediate needs of the growing population, but did not plant trees in the same proportion.

Human mistakes have created a great upheaval. Shifting of rocks in the north, destruction of villages in land erosion. Irregular rainfall, drought, conversion of normal land into deserts and especially the continuous increase in atmospheric temperature are strong evidences that if still,While the country is standing at a critical juncture of development with an eye towards the 21st century, if things are not controlled in a planned and systematic manner, then the situation to come may become more dire. There is still ample scope to avoid these problems.

Nature's warning- 

Environmental experts have said that the increasing heat is a warning of nature for us in time. This is just a very small beginning of nature's revenge. If the condition of the environment is not improved even now, then the situation may get worse in the coming time. Still no situation. If it improves, this heat can last for many years. In a shocking international report, there is a more clear indication of a gradual increase in the temperature of the Earth and the atmosphere.The reason for this is also said to be irregular degradation of forests. This can also lead to permanent changes in weather and climate. The World Meteorological Organization has said that by the end of this century the world's climate could change drastically due to the increasing amount of carbon dioxide and decreasing number of forests due to chaotic industrialization around the world.Due to the increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, the earth is getting warmer than before. In the last century, the level of carbon dioxide was from 270 to 295 parts per million, which has now increased to 388, if carbon dioxide continues to increase in this way, then by the year 2000, it will be 17800 million tonnes, due to which the temperature of the atmosphere will certainly be much higher than now. will increase and it will have an adverse effect on the climate.

Increase in temperature - 

The average surface temperature today is about 15 degrees Celsius, may increase by 2.3 degrees Celsius. The rise in temperature in the polar regions can be even higher. It seems that the world is about to go through some minor ice age. Otherwise the earth would have been very hot by now.Compared to the beginning of the 20th century, these days volcanic dust is filling up and the heat outside is reaching the earth. Due to the warming of the land, miraculous changes in the climate are expected. There are other reasons that result in drought.

Therefore, the soil without greenery is returning the rays of the sun, due to which there is a decrease in rainfall. The lack of vegetation that is now eroding from the ground does not allow the formation of lipoprotein arrows that act as snowflakes in the upper atmosphere, and even at relatively high temperatures, snowflakes form.Along with this, there are many destructive effects, the rise of currents from the depths of the ocean, sudden changes in sea surface temperature and atmospheric pressure and weather taking its out-of-the-box form etc. Such changes in 1982-83 had shifted the rainfall of the Pacific Ocean to the east.

Thus Australia and Indonesia were deprived of rain. And rain fell on the islands of the Pacific Ocean. On these days tropical storms occurred in the French-owned Asia Islands and fierce fires broke out in the forests of Indonesia and Australia. In addition to carbon dioxide, there are 15 rare gases that accumulate in very small amounts, which, like carbon dioxide, can cause a greenhouse effect. These also include nitrous oxide and methane.

Some experts estimate that the temperature of the Earth may increase by 6 °C. The result will be that the ice frozen at the poles will melt and cause a catastrophe and a lot of the earth will be submerged. It has been estimated that due to the melting of ice in West Antarctica, the sea surface will rise by about 5 meters. In this way, the possibilities of huge changes in the climate and weather of the earth have been expressed at many levels.

Heating atmosphere due to heat pollution - 

not knowing how much heat has been dissolved in the atmosphere. Temperatures have been released into the environment not only due to natural reasons, but also for other reasons. Smoke emanating from chimneys of industries, smoke emanating from factories, vehicles, hot vapors and air emanating from air condition plants in homes and offices, etc.In this way, along with heating the air excessively, we also heat the water. The liquid coming out of industrial units is often hot which is discharged into rivers and streams. Apart from this, along with liquid and gas, hot ash also comes out from many units. Naturally, its heat also has to be absorbed by our atmosphere. The temperature of land, air or water also increases due to other reasons. Thermal power stations are at the forefront of dissolving unnecessary heat in the atmosphere.

In these, electrical energy is obtained by burning coal, from which a large amount of heat is dissipated. This not only heats the air, but also heats the water by discharging hot water used as refrigeration in rivers and streams.

The heat also has to be absorbed by our atmosphere. If the amount of this unexpected temperature is more than normal, it has an adverse effect not only on humans but also on other animals and plants. According to an estimate, by the end of this century, about 1.2 million MW of electricity will be generated from nuclear plants, while about 33 percent of the total requirement of the country will be met by thermal power.In view of this, it is necessary to take heat prevention measures from now on, because nuclear power stations also generate large amount of heat. Usually, the hot water used as refrigeration in about 500 MW plants is separated by about 3 cm. It is carried through thick and long curved pipes and then, when relatively cooled, is poured into a river or lake. This usually results in an increase in temperature in the river or lake by 10 to 30 degrees.

If seen, heat has an important role in making life possible on Earth. Life is affected adversely when the temperature is slightly less or more. With increased temperature, the respiratory rate increases. Other bodily functions begin to accelerate. Scientists have studied the effect of heat on a fish called crayfish.They found that up to 39 degrees Fahrenheit his heartbeat increased to 30 times per minute. Then it dropped to 120 per minute at 72 degrees Fahrenheit and then gradually decreased to 95 degrees. This means that the heart rate dysfunction occurred after a tolerance threshold. This means that the heat effect has the opposite effect on the animals. When the temperature is high, animals and plants also start dying. Heat pollution also has an effect on physical matter.The erosion of the ghats of rivers, ponds starts happening rapidly. Even wooden things get crooked. Paint and cornice crumble. The paper turns yellow. This implies that heat pollution affects all aspects of life.An international report published on rising temperature 'Who is taking the heat' states that India ranks fifth in the world in terms of warming factors after the US, Russia, Brazil and China. That America, Russia. India ranks fifth in the world in terms of heat growth factors after Brazil and China. If this rate remains the same, then in the coming time, the life of water animals and plants in the rivers and lakes of our country will become difficult and the existence of the earth may be in danger.
